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So in this video, I had a fun time experimenting with the cool gadgets sent over to me by Fury. I unwrapped this awesome USB soldering iron that looks quite promising and useful. The tiny solder stand, a Galium nitri power supply and a collection of soldering iron bits that they sent over were quite appreciable. The video took a spin when I introduced the novel 3in1 oscilloscope. This tool bundles an oscilloscope, a transistor tester and a signal generator. Well, that's a triple threat! I went on to test the soldering iron and it showed some remarkable results. The video ended with me trying out the oscilloscope and I must say, this little toy packs a punch! All things considered, pretty pleased with my new tech. Can't wait to get down and dirty with all the nitty-gritties these gadgets offer!

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[0:00] I’ve been sent a couple of things from
[0:01] Fury I think that’s how you say it is it
[0:03] Fury or Fury I don’t know let me know in
[0:06] the comments but they’ve sent us a USB
[0:08] soldering iron so up till now I’ve been
[0:11] using my tsp and one of the slightly
[0:13] frustrating things with this is the
[0:15] soldering iron bits are really expensive
[0:17] so I’ve always been stuck with a default
[0:19] one but with this one FY have sent me a
[0:21] whole selection of different soldering
[0:23] iron bits so we got a selection of
[0:24] things we can try out and use so that’s
[0:27] really handy and we’ll do a bit of
[0:28] soldering later it also comes with this
[0:31] very tiny solder stand with a little
[0:33] sponge that’s very retro we’ve got this
[0:36] nice cable it’s very thick and chunky so
[0:39] I’ll be able to use that for some other
[0:41] things I’ve got a bunch of cables
[0:42] already but this one looks really high
[0:43] quality and it feels very very rubbery
[0:46] got this nice 65 W Gallum nitri power
[0:48] supply um I’ve also got a bunch of power
[0:51] supplies so I’m not sure I need to use
[0:52] this one and it’s got a slightly funny
[0:54] plug but it looks pretty good quality
[0:56] and maybe we’ll try it out later and see
[0:58] how well it performs I’ll put put that
[1:00] in my box of
[1:02] bits we’ve also got this nice 3in1
[1:05] oscilloscope it’s an oscilloscope a
[1:07] transistor tester and it’s a signal
[1:09] generator and it comes with this nice
[1:11] probe so we’ll try this out later as
[1:13] well so let’s get the soldering iron
[1:15] unwrapped and we’ll give it a
[1:18] go it’s an intelligent electric
[1:21] soldering iron very fancy we’ll read the
[1:24] manual
[1:26] later we’ll peel off the nice little
[1:28] plastic
[1:31] and to fit the soldering bit iron bit we
[1:33] just unscrew this and then slide it
[1:43] in and this is like a nice handy thing
[1:45] for when you’re out and about you can
[1:47] cover up the hot soldering iron bit so
[1:48] it doesn’t burn your bag so let’s plug
[1:51] it in and see if it works so it Powers
[1:54] up nicely and then we just hit this
[1:56] button and it should heat
[1:58] up
[2:00] and there we go 300° C seems to be
[2:02] working nicely I think we should try and
[2:04] do a bit of soldering and see how well
[2:06] this works I will probably change the
[2:08] tip to one of the finer ones as we’re
[2:10] going to do a bit of fine work I’ve got
[2:12] one of my esp32 pcbs from the guys at
[2:14] PCB way if you’re on the lookout for a
[2:17] good PCB then I can thoroughly recommend
[2:19] them great quality and great to work
[2:21] with if you watch some of my previous
[2:23] videos you can learn all about these
[2:25] boards up until now I’ve been using my
[2:27] mini hot plate and my hot air gun to
[2:29] solder these up but it’s always fun to
[2:30] try a bit of manual soldering I got a
[2:33] new batch of esp32 S3 modules to solder
[2:35] on so let’s give it a go and see how
[2:37] well this soldering iron actually works
[2:39] it’s going to be quite hard to light it
[2:41] up I usually use a bit of sticky tape to
[2:43] hold it in place so let’s get the
[2:44] microscope and see how we go I’ve taped
[2:47] the module into the correct place and
[2:49] lined up all of the pads I’m going to
[2:51] square out a bunch of flux to make the
[2:52] job a bit easier and this is probably
[2:54] way too much flux with that done we can
[2:57] just work our way along soldering up
[2:58] each pad and touching the pads that need
[3:06] it and now we can do the left side this
[3:09] time I’ve been a bit more careful with
[3:11] the flux as there was way too much the
[3:12] first
[3:28] time
[3:30] the only pin I’m going to have to
[3:32] revisit is the ground pin there’s a big
[3:34] ground plane connected to this which
[3:35] makes it tricky to
[3:38] solder the other side is also pretty
[3:40] easy to solder up this size of tip seems
[3:42] to be pretty much perfect for this
[3:52] job after a bit of a wash with the
[3:54] toothbrush and alcohol it cleans up
[3:56] nicely the CR pin on one side is a bit
[3:59] of a a mess but we can clean that up
[4:07] later the big question is does it
[4:10] work and the answer is of course it does
[4:13] we’ve got our test blink sketch running
[4:16] nicely okay let’s take a look at the
[4:18] 3in1
[4:20] oscilloscope so let’s open it up well
[4:23] we’ve got the instruction book I may
[4:25] actually read this and we got a nice
[4:27] warning thing so do not blow it up
[4:30] let’s see what accessories we’ve got in
[4:32] here so let’s open the envelope up now
[4:35] we have some nice little probes so we
[4:37] can use that with the m
[4:39] tester that’s a nice charging cable and
[4:42] we got some crocodile Clips so I’ll um
[4:45] see what we do with those later not sure
[4:47] where they go but looks
[4:50] interesting so let’s unmap this and see
[4:53] what we’ve
[4:58] got there we
[5:01] go there let’s do the Plastics peel very
[5:09] nice where’s the where’s the on button
[5:12] um how do we make it turn on ah there we
[5:15] go turned on so I’ve actually had this
[5:19] quite old component tested for quite a
[5:21] while it’s kind of based on similar
[5:23] software and I made a nice box for it um
[5:26] so let’s try it out and it should still
[5:28] work so let’s see what this
[5:35] competitors okay so it’s an N Channel
[5:37] mosfet so this component tester Works
[5:40] nicely but it’s pretty old and the
[5:42] screen is not that great so let’s try
[5:44] out this new
[5:46] one so let’s find the
[5:51] Mester there we go so let’s turn that
[5:57] on and then the only thing with these m
[5:59] testers is you have to make sure you use
[6:01] different pins for each of the leg
[6:04] you’re trying to test so let’s stick
[6:05] that in oops let’s try and stick that
[6:12] in there we go and let’s test
[6:16] it so there we go it’s an N Channel
[6:19] mosfet so not
[6:25] bad so let’s give it a go with an
[6:28] LED
[6:30] oops as I say got to Ed different pins
[6:33] so let’s try that
[6:34] again and then it flashes for a bit and
[6:38] there we go it’s a diode with a forward
[6:40] voltage of 1.71
[6:42] volts so let’s try it with an
[6:48] inductor get the two legs in different
[6:56] holes so there we go a 2 mli Henry in
[6:59] inductor not bad um let’s try this power
[7:03] mosfet see what it makes of
[7:08] that so that works as well not bad at
[7:10] all so this should work with pretty much
[7:12] any component you can find I think it’s
[7:14] pretty flexible let’s try a
[7:21] diode now there are some special pins
[7:23] here for testing zenir diet but I’m just
[7:26] going to use the normal pins for these
[7:27] Di and there we go there’s a died
[7:30] forward voltage 7 so that works
[7:33] nicely okay let’s try it with a
[7:38] capacitor takes a bit of time and I put
[7:42] it into the wrong bins let’s try that
[7:47] again all right so that’s a uh it’s like
[7:50] a 10 microf capacitor let’s double check
[7:53] that where is the writing always very
[7:58] tiny
[7:59] there we go 10 microad so that’s not
[8:03] bad here’s a green LED let’s see what it
[8:06] does with a green
[8:08] LED get some
[8:10] flashing there we go V forward
[8:13] 1.98 so it looks like it’s pretty much
[8:15] the same as my existing M tester but the
[8:17] display is much nicer so I like it I
[8:21] like that a lot not bad at all so let’s
[8:23] exit from this and let’s try out the
[8:25] signal generator so for this we use this
[8:28] output um socket so we need this
[8:33] adapter and I’ll hook this up to my
[8:36] oscilloscope and we’ll see what we get
[8:39] okay so I fled out to mycope and we
[8:41] should be getting 1 khz with three volts
[8:44] Peak to Peak so that’s working pretty
[8:47] nicely so let’s try out the square wave
[8:51] there we go Square wave works as well so
[8:53] that’s not bad and here we’ve got the
[8:56] triangle wave so that works pretty well
[8:58] not bad at all let’s go back to the sine
[9:01] wave and see what frequency we can get
[9:03] out of
[9:05] this okay 100 khz not bad at all
[9:09] brilliant and it looks like the maximum
[9:12] amplitude you can get out is 3.3 volts
[9:15] so that’s pretty good that’s our signal
[9:17] generator not bad at all so let’s try
[9:21] out the
[9:23] oscilloscope again I’ve HED it out to my
[9:25] osilloscope and then if we just hit the
[9:27] auto ranging we should get a signal
[9:30] coming
[9:31] out so there we go that’s uh 400 HZ at
[9:36] um it should be 5 Vol speed to Peck but
[9:38] I seem to be measuring 049 so I think
[9:41] all that’s happened is I’ve I’ve left
[9:43] the left the Probe on 10x so let’s
[9:45] switch that to 1x and then if we do the
[9:48] auto range
[9:52] again there we go 5 Vols 400 htz so
[9:56] that’s pretty good let’s try bumping the
[9:58] frequency up there we go that’s one
[10:02] khz so again we’ll do the auto
[10:06] ranging pretty good 1 khz 5 Vols pig to
[10:10] Pig let’s put it up to 50
[10:14] khz okay so we do the auto range and
[10:17] there we go 50 khz not bad so let’s
[10:21] let’s go up to 100
[10:23] khz but we’re still working 100 khz 5
[10:27] Vols Pig topig uh let’s see if we can
[10:30] really push it I’ll push it up to 1 mahz
[10:32] output let’s see what that
[10:37] does well we can do 200 KZ uh let’s push
[10:41] it even
[10:42] more okay well it seems to be struggling
[10:44] now so I guess um guess around 2 khz 200
[10:48] khz is probably where we want to stop um
[10:51] it really doesn’t Li one mehz but um
[10:55] that’s not bad at all I’m pretty pleased
[10:57] with that a fully functioning aill scope
[11:00] so we can do square waves that’s good
[11:01] Square wave at 100 khz it’s not
[11:05] bad I think I do need to calibrate the
[11:08] prob um there is a little screwdriver to
[11:11] adjust it so I’ll do that
[11:14] later there’s a nice 10 khz square wave
[11:17] so I think this will be really useful I
[11:19] think um don’t want to Lug the
[11:21] oscilloscope around every time I want to
[11:22] do some measurements um so that’s not
[11:25] bad so let’s see what else we’ve got so
[11:29] let’s see over on the tools
[11:33] menu there’s a voltmeter that’s what the
[11:36] other inputs for there’s a three wire uh
[11:39] temperature sensor so that’s pretty
[11:41] handy so not bad at
[11:43] all not sure what this one is ah
[11:46] infrared decoder let’s try this out
[11:48] where’s my infrared remote control there
[11:51] we go oh that’s pretty impressive that’s
[11:54] very very cool so not bad at all thank
[11:57] you fy for the free stuff brilliant as
[12:00] always so fantastic let me know what you
[12:03] think in the comments I’ll put a link to
[12:04] these products down there so have a look
[12:07] and see what you think thanks for
[12:08] watching

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Chris Greening

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A collection of slightly mad projects, instructive/educational videos, and generally interesting stuff. Building projects around the Arduino and ESP32 platforms - we'll be exploring AI, Computer Vision, Audio, 3D Printing - it may get a bit eclectic...

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